Home | Alcoholism & Addiction Therapy

The AMA recognize that 80% of all addiction and substance abuse issues and conditions are due to stress and tension. From alcoholism and associated immune diseases and painful arthritis with crippling energy and mobility loss. When you remove physiological stress from the body, the body does what it is supposed to do, it heals itself from within. Without finding simple solutions to alcohol problems the list of grievances to your health and lifestyle from DUI lawsuits to a breakdown in health can cause intense trauma.

So the solution to an addiction free life and a method of avoiding degenerative symptoms simply equates to regular massage, which removes muscle stress and tension and restores fascia hydration and elasticity allowing optimum movement of nutrient and waste pathways throughout the body.

Medical science tell us that our bodies are programmed to run for 120 to 140 years, trouble free, but not many people are getting there.

The Wellness industry is you investing a portion of time and resources in keeping your body stress free, and vital. Ken’s unique wholistic massage and body work approach will make you FEEL GOOD, all day and night, for many weeks! All aspects of your life will automatically improve to produce a positive focus and experience, as stress and depression are removed from you so that you addictions to alcohol, recreational drugs or phone sex addiction just fall away.

A relaxed, vital and pain free state, with a clean internal body, nurtured by cellular nutrient oils is exactly what to expect from life. It is your body, mind and emotions and has to be your first consideration.

Phone: (02) 9456-5003 to book your appointment.